//The inside hole size (diameter) of your filament spool in MM spool_inside_diameter = 38; //min/step/max: [0:0.5:100] //The total height of the spool adapter total_height=8.5; //min/step/max: [0:0.5:100] //The brim width -- how much lip to hold your spool brim_width=85; //min/step/max: [0:0.5:100] // the brim height -- how thick to the make the lip brim_height=3; //min/step/max: [0:0.5:100] //the size (diameter) of your HDD spindle / bearing -- what you mount the adapter to spindle_size=25; //min/step/max: [0:0.5:100] $fn=100; module main_spool() { union() { cylinder(r=brim_width/2, h=brim_height); cylinder(r=spool_inside_diameter/2, h=total_height); } } module hollow_center() { translate([0,0,-.5]) { cylinder(r=spindle_size/2, h=total_height+1); } } difference() { main_spool(); hollow_center(); }