// by zeus - zeus@ctdo.de - CC-BY-NC-4.00 // -> https://www.thingiverse.com/zeus // -> https://www.printables.com/social/366928-zeus/about // -> https://github.com/zeus86 // -> https://blog.tastatursport.de/ // 2023-03-28 // GPU-antisag-adapter for Lian Li O11D Evo with vertical GPU Kit and 25mm Bottom-Fans (default orientation) //################## // // //################## // // VARS mt=5; // general material thickness cen_w=8; // center bar cen_h=mt; // center bar cen_elev=24; // total center elevation depth=110; // 110 for 120mm fans tri_w=40; // triangular plate tri_x=tri_w/sqrt(2);// nominal side-length of the square-section, the triangular shape is made of tri_h=mt; // triangular plate $fn=100; // general resolution q=0.01; // used to avoid graphical glitches hds=15; // short hole-distance hdl=105; // long hole distance holedia=5; // diameter of the hole for the screw// hole_dist=holedia-0.66; // distance from edge //################## // // MODEL module triangle(){ difference(){ rotate([0,0,45])cube([tri_x,tri_x,mt],center=true); translate([0,-tri_w/2,0])cube([tri_w,tri_w,5+q],center=true); for (x=[hds/2,-hds/2]){ translate([x,hole_dist,0]){ cylinder(r=holedia/2,h=mt+q,center=true); translate([0,0,holedia*0.3])cylinder(r1=holedia/2,r2=holedia,h=mt+q,center=true); } } } }; module cen(){ hull(){ cube([cen_w,hdl-(hole_dist*1.5)-q,cen_h],center=true); translate([0,0,cen_elev-mt])cube([cen_w,hdl/2,cen_h],center=true); } } translate([0,0,mt/2]){ triangle(); translate([0,hdl/2+hole_dist,0])cen(); translate([0,hdl+hole_dist*2,0])rotate([0,0,180])triangle(); }