Systemd-User-Unit for OpenRGB
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2020-06-18 09:44:08 +02:00
systemd/user added systemd-unit 2020-06-18 09:44:08 +02:00 added systemd-unit 2020-06-18 09:44:08 +02:00


User-Systemd-Unit for OpenRGB

For use with on Linux. This Systemd-User-Unit sets a given Color to your OpenRGB-Controlled RGBs, and turns them off again on shutdown.


 mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
 cp openrgb.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
 systemctl --user daemon-reload
 systemctl --user enable openrgb.service

This assumes, that your OpenRGB-Executable is available under ~/bin/OpenRGB/OpenRGB, as it would be, if you checked the OpenRGB-Repo out in your ~/bin.

Known Problems

  • If you plan to use Profiles, test them first. I Encountered many combinations, where I end up with broken Profiles, which did not work, even if the User-Unit does. From my understanding the profiles should be world-readable also.
  • When you also plan to start the GUI of OpenRGB as an autostart-entry of your desktop, you might want to delay the GUI with sleep5; ./OpenRGB or something similar. During testing, when both, the Systemd-Unit and the GUI were starting more or less simultaneously, there was a high chance, that the OpenRGB-thread raised by the unit becomes unresponsive, and became a zombie when trying to kill it.